NJ Chamber open to process
100% remote
Questions on how to get started?
Contact Neil Wildonger at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 609-989-7888 x124

Save Time and Money with the NJ Chamber’s New Electronic Certificates of Origin Platform
The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce has moved from eCertify to essCert – a next generation technology that allows you to apply for, and sign, stamp and receive original electronic Certificates of Origin, eliminating time-consuming and inefficient, manual paper-based processes.
This new platform is fast, flexible and easy to use and is the result of a partnership between the NJ Chamber and essDOCS Certification.
The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce has transitioned to a new online Certificate of Origin application platform called essCert.
What do I need to do?
If you previously used eCertify, a new essCert profile has been created automatically.
You will however need to retrieve new login details.
To get your log in details, go to esscert.com/retrieve, enter your email address, and then press the Retrieve button. Your login details will then be sent to the email address you entered.
If you experience any issues retrieving your login details please contact
How do I apply for a Certificate of Origin using essCert?
Download these resources to help you get started:
Neil Wildonger
(609) 989-7888 x124
NJ State Chamber of Commerce
216 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
Fax: (609) 989-9696