We applaud Gov. Murphy’s decision to select Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti as his next chief of staff.
Improving the state’s transportation network has always been a top priority for the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, and as chair of several statewide infrastructure initiatives, I have said many times our infrastructure is the foundation of our economy. Commissioner Gutierrez-Scaccetti has done an outstanding job ensuring that transportation projects have been prioritized that will keep New Jersey’s economy moving.
Victoria (Ahde) Licata has joined the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Foundation as director of resource development. She will cultivate partnerships and will oversee funding and development plans for the Foundation.
As the Legislature returns this fall, our New Jersey Chamber of Commerce lobbying team will be back in the State House pushing for policies that will make New Jersey a better place for our members to run their businesses – and for their employees to live and raise a family.
In my 50-plus-year career, during which I have interacted with many governors and their chiefs of staff, George Helmy has been truly exceptional. He is responsive, professional, objective, respectful – and has been a true asset to Gov. Murphy and the state. We have not agreed on all issues, but there has been a mutual respect between us in dealing with our differences. I will miss my conversations with George – and I wish him the best of luck as he enters a new chapter. I hope our professional paths cross again. To summarize, when it comes to chiefs of staff, George Helmy is the GOAT!
The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce applauds the governor’s appointment of Tahesha Way as the third lieutenant governor in the state's history. In her role as secretary of state, she has done an excellent job promoting New Jersey as a top tourist and entertainment destination, which is so critical to the Garden State economy, supporting 500,000 jobs and generating a total annual economic impact of over $73 billion. Secretary Way has also been a friend of the Chamber, attending many of our programs and events, including our annual Legislative Open House at the State Museum. We wish Secretary Way much success in her expanded role and we look forward to collaborating with her on issues important to New Jersey’s economy and employers.
—Tom Bracken, President & CEO, New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
We mourn the loss of BPU President Joe Fiordaliso, who had the right traits for a public servant – insightful, passionate, authentic, straightforward and pragmatic. He led the Murphy administration’s push for clean energy in a thoughtful way – and we were grateful that he considered all who would be affected, including the businesses community. He was a special guest speaker at New Jersey Chamber events on multiple occasions, and the give-and-take between him and our members was invariably genuine and constructive. We may not have always agreed with Joe’s positions, but we respected him. He will be missed.
—Tom Bracken, President & CEO, New Jersey Chamber of Commerce
Over 50 members of the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce Cornerstone New Jersey program received a briefing the morning of Aug. 23 at the Pines Manor in Edison, from Reps. Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ-11) and Tom Kean, Jr. (R-NJ-7).
The New Jersey Chamber of Commerce is saddened to learn of the passing of Lt. Gov. Sheila Oliver. As the first Black woman to serve as Assembly Speaker, Lt. Gov. Oliver was a tireless advocate on a wide variety of issues and she always listened to the concerns of New Jersey’s business community, especially small businesses. She was a passionate supporter of urban revitalization efforts and she realized the state’s economic success was dependent on all New Jerseyans having access to safe, affordable housing as well as a quality education.
Gov. Phil Murphy sat down with New Jersey Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Tom Bracken on Wednesday, July 26, at New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark to discuss ways to improve and expand the state economy. The governor used the event to announce a trade mission this fall to Japan and South Korea, with the primary goals to be attracting jobs and investments to the Garden State.
It is excellent news that CNBC, in its annual Top States for Doing Business List, ranked New Jersey as the most improved state, climbing 23 places to No. 19, after a 42nd place finish last year. This is certainly a reason to celebrate and the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce is pleased that the CNBC survey recognizes some important strengths in New Jersey’s economy.